The Adolescents ‘Double Down’ on Bad Cops!
With the use of deadly force by police in the national spotlight following the decisions not to indict the officers involved in the Michael Brown shooting and Eric Garner’s chokehold death, the time couldn’t be better for the release of a protest anthem.
Orange County punk veterans THE ADOLESCENTS are back to heed the call with their new album La Vendetta… è un Piatto che va Servito Freddo, a Sicilian phrase meaning “Revenge is a dish best served cold”. We are pleased to premiere one of its 16 tracks, “Double Down,” here.
While the latest controversies surrounding the use of deadly force by police center on the cases of black men, and that’s certainly a huge problem in the U.S., THE ADOLESCENTS are focusing on the case of police interaction with another minority — those who suffer from mental illness.
Stream the track “Double Down” and read Craig Rosen’s full story on yahoo music.